Divine Touch 2.0 Training | School Of Love
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Divine Touch II

Krystic Light Energy Healing

For people, pets, things and places.

A Step into freedom!


We know we are not alone. Our soul struggles to be free in a world of subtle energies and vibrations.


In this level you learn how to take you and others to a higher dimension, to a much more pure state.


You will receive a 2nd Iniciation that activates your Krystic DNA, this will pushes you into a quantum jump of purity and light!.


Trough the teachings and understandings your soul will be free and will be in a new point to start a new path more aligned to your truth and God presence.


Learn how to clear in a deep and powerful way interferences energies like entities, extraterrestrial energies, chips, implants, psychic attacks, black magic, 5G interference, magnetic fields interference and others that low’s your vibrational frequency.


And also learn to release deep traumas, blocked emotions and limiting beliefs that is so important to take care when what we want is to raise our vibration and expand our self to manifest from the connection to our true identity.


Living with this types of energy interference an blockages is almost impossible to live in a profound connection with your Soul. And the truth is that the most of human being are controlled by this low 4th dimension. 


After clearing the energy interference, the Krystic Consciousness and the Spirit can arises and the Divine Self experience can be unfold.


Come and experience the bliss of your soul being free!

And help to free others!






Krystic Light Energy Healing


May 2023

Saturday 27 & Sunday 28 

9 am - 15:30 pm

Duration 13 hours.


Registration closing:

Wednesday May 24.

Location: Nemetona Sacred Space.

Punta Uva. Puerto Viejo Limón.


Limited spots

Registration is required

The course includes:​
13 hours of training 

∞ Printed manual

∞ PPT Presentation
Fruit and water

 Following up gathering

 Divine Touch Community wapp group


What to bring?​

Please bring something healthy to eat and share at the putlock from Saturday and Sunday.

∞ Your pendulum.

DT Manual Level I 
 Comfortable clothes preferably white and natural fibers.

Water bottle.

And the most important come with a heart and open mind!



During the 3 days before and 3 days after:

Eat healthy and light foods.

Abstinence in alcohol, drugs and sexual relations.

What if one day you feel pure love...

and it become your reality for ever?



Conscious sliding scale price:

It consists of each person deciding a payment for the Divine Touch Training between:

144.000 and 333.000 colones.


How can I pay?


Option 1


Add an extra 10% if you will pay with PayPal

Use the following email to do the payment:


Add your name and Divine Touch Level I to the transfer.

And send us a screenshot to us by wapp.

Link PayPal


Option 2

BCR Bank deposit.


Option 3

Let's get together and make the exchange!

Write to our wapp and we will agree where.


Contact us!

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We will meet on a beautiful space hidden in the Caribbean jungle where we can connect with nature and Divine Mother.


Nemetona Sacred Space

Punta Uva. Puerto Viejo Limón.

Costa Rica

What`s next?


Coming on 2023


June 17 & 18 Level III



July 8 & 9 Level IV




Master Level








Navkiran & Satya


Navkiran & Satya are parents of Raimundo and Milagros. They where born in Chile and the last 10 years have being traveling in different countries. Since the 2021 they are living on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica.


Together they are meant to help and guide, themselfs and others, through the journey of self discovery and ascension. After both of them made a career in the business world, Navkiran & Satya met again, and since then they have lived a deep spiritual awakening. This led them to awaken deep knowledge and understanding of the core reality underneath all senses, discovering healing gifts and a profound divine source connection. They also found wonderful answers in studies of quantum and energy healing, transpersonal psychology, radiesthesia, egyptian ankh healing knowledge, in the understanding of yoga and meditation through Kundalini Yoga, and in the deep understanding of working, moving and adjusting the energy in their bodies. Navkiran & Satya are blessed to receive infinite wisdom through channeling and divine guidance. After several years developing themselves as therapists (2009) and teaching Kundalini Yoga (2012), they were guided to create School Of Love -S.O.L- a guide back to the Soul and an invitation for the vibration of the energy of Love to be our school. Where they teach Energy Healing & Spiritual Activation Training, Breathing Coach Training, Kundalini Yoga classes, guide Ascension Vortex Ceremony, Satya Kriya The Breath of the Soul, and other beautiful and powerful tools of healing, meditation and ascension. "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.” UCDM  


We are Energy. We are Love. We are One.



School Of Love, a guide back to the Soul.


S.O.L is an invitation for the vibration of the energy of love to be our school. May love show us the true path and lead us to mastery in our lives. The energy of love is the awareness that is present when we move forward, heal and feel peace with who we are, what we do and how we live.


School Of Love is a guide back to the Soul. A channel for Love and Truth to clarify the perspective of life. A bridge so that the Universal Source has the freedom to help heal, to reveal the essence of who we are and to find our purpose in life.


Follow us in Instagram!


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